
Test 2

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I know, I know...most people hate budgeting but unfortunately it i s a necessary evil; especially if you want your money to eventuall y work for you and not just you working for it.  >But the ‘budget’ doesn’t have to have a negative connotation if w e just change the way we think about it. Creating a budget does not mean that you have to restrict yours elf from everything you enjoy in life. A budget is simply an estimati on of how much money you think you will earn and ultimately spend during a period of time.

Test 1

Hey there, thanks for stopping by… So where do I start?  Personal finance is a part of our everyday lives. Whether it's managing your expenses, learning to save or invest, or even unders tanding your income, if you're alive you need to learn how to manage your money.  So why isn't this something we’re taught in school?